Hello there...
Remember about my blog? Main purpose is to share my scrapbooking projects, but I might also share comments, information or quotes about wine and cheese.
I had this experience with brie cheese and thought it was nice to share with you. The other day my husband arrived from Costco and brought some Brie cheese, red chili pepper jelly, and crackers with poppy seeds. I was surprised because he does not like soft cheeses that much and he had tried Brie before but definitely wasn't a favorite. He said he tried it with the jelly and cracker as a sample in the store and he liked it so much that he wanted me to try.
At first I thought these flavors were so different that they would not match at all, and then I was amazed with the combination of these three! Great flavor!
Some might find Brie too bland or the red chili pepper jelly too spicy, but believe me, that combination make each of these products come to life. Try it! Use cracker as base, put a thin slice of brie and top it with jelly... Enjoy!!!
Brie is a very soft cheese that "has a delicate mushroomy flavor, creamy texture, and a soft, downy, pure white rind. Most are made from cow's milk."* The center is usually softer and richer with age. If you prefer to have it only with wine, I've read it is good to pair with Pinot Noir or Merlot.
(*Reference and photo: A Taste of Cheese - Ryland Peters & Small(R))
I had it with honey and walnuts, and eventhought is not my favorite flavor (the brie's) I like it like this.
On this month issue of Le Conossieur is an article on cheese which I am dying to try pretty soon.
Me encanta!!! Gracias
Interesante...pero no tolero la lactosa MMmmm!! pero me enseñastes algo nuevo...gracias por el consejo!!! Cariños!!!
¡Hola Myra, encantada de entrar a tu blog, tienes variados trabajos y muy lindos. Te quería invitar a mi blog de scrapbooking, espero poder leerte y por allí y que podamos ser amigas, te dejo muchos cariños!
¡Gracias Myrna por tus palabras en mi blog, aquí vengo a hacerme tu seguidora y poner tu blog en mi columna, así cada vez que hagas un post te vengo a visitar. Este fin de semana publico un post nuevo, así que te espero, cariños!
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