Friday, January 4, 2013

Very first Friday of 2013!

Hey friends!  It's Friday.  First Friday of New Year 2013!  And this is the Three Wise Men's weekend. We celebrate the Three Kings Day on January 6th.  So, it's still Holidays in Puerto Rico... until mid January with a party in San Juan called "Fiestas de la calle San Sebastián".   No wonder we are called the happiest country in the World!  LOL!

For the Unity FWF I want to share this with you.

First of all... I bought these face creams in Costco, and the packaging feature a plastic shape of the product.  One of them is like a bottle of wine.  Since I've been buying this product I've storage some of these for future projects.  I finally made something with one of them.

I cut the same shape in a glitter paper...

And glued the plastic behind...

I stamped in cardstock in a way it can be seen through the bottle shape.  Since this was for a friend's birthday, I also added some details with her name and other things as embellishments.

I then embellished with combined stamped messages for the occasion.  They are all from different kits or itty bitties, as well as the lady inside the bottle.

Some washi tape and punched borders were also added to the party.

The card was very personalized for the birthday party and thought for the birthday girl.  She really liked it a lot.  :)

Hope you liked it too.

Let me tell you I am trying not to be a hoarder this year... It's not quite too serious of a problem...  don't be scared, but I usually storage some stuff thinking I will be using them afterwards in a project, or maybe I'll recycle... or "I'll find a use for it"...  So this means I have packaging, labels, tags, boxes, and articles I see future on them...   But I guess I don't really use them all and don't have the time to do it; so I'll have to really make sure that when I storage something it's because I'll really use it soon.

Do you have the same issues?  Is this part of being a scrapbooker?  What can you tell me about it?


  1. Happy New Year what you have done with the packaging!!!
    I hold onto tags from clothing and altering them!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Oh how cute! Yup. I'm guilty of being a hoarder to scrap too. But these days I tend to fiilter it else il be loaded with too much haha

  3. What a creative card! hmmm, now I'll be hoarding even more packaging...LOL!! I do keep a few things, dh always laughs at me. I often keep ribbon that is packages I receive, but I am very proud that last night I actually used some recycled ribbon on a project my son was doing.

  4. I definitely think it comes as part of being a scrapbooker/papercrafter! I think we all do the same and sometimes it really pays off!!! It definitely paid off here for this awesome card!!! So creative and the outcome was fabulous, I'm sure your friend LOVED it, a gift all it's own!

  5. Oh, this is so clever! I think you did a fantastic job on this card. Happy new year!

  6. start off by saying the card is wonderful, so nice to my it so personal and wow, you really did use the hoarding to your benefit. Advice from one horder to another, its an addiction like scrapbooking. someone puts something in the garbage and at crop and i am begging to save it. my latest is saving all the clear food containers from the store so that i can store all my stuff into , cuz i hate using bags or boxes that i can not see thru....yikees.......
    ava g

  7. Oh.My.Gosh. AMAZING... gonna have to take a closer look at my plastics before throwing them in the recycle bin ;-)

  8. Very cute project. It is so challenging to recycle.

  9. Great use of packaging to make such a fun card for your friend!

  10. I love this idea! Very personalized and fun. Yes, I think scrapbooking and hoarding often go together. I have a box of things just waiting to be altered.

  11. Cute. I love re-working what other people might consider to be trash! :)

  12. What a fabulous and fun card, I love it!!!

  13. This is BRILLIANT! What a great way to recycle packaging! TFS!

  14. Oh wow, this is awesome! Kudos to you for seeing the potential in the packaging! I sometimes put things aside with the intention of using them later...but rarely get around to actually using them!

  15. Wow this is really cool! How very creative!

  16. EXTREMELY creative of you! YOur friend is going to L.O.V.E this! Super fantabulous!

  17. How incredibly creative is this project! You clearly spent a lot of time (and love) putting this together and it's SO worth it too! I love all the little shoes lined up on the bottom :)

  18. Great idea, very original!!! Love the card super fun.

  19. Great way to recycle--I keep too much stuff too!

  20. Amazing job upcycling this packaging! I do tend to do the same thing - too many ideas, not enough time, but I'mg etting much better at not keeping everything! it's what pinterest is for! LOL

  21. This is so clever!!! Your finished card is FABULOUS!!! Hoarding has officially paid off :D Hugs to you my friend!

  22. Te quedo de show!! Super creativa. Un abrazo, Joan

  23. Wow, this is a fabulous and creative idea! I enjoy recycling as well, but tend to run out of room in my small craft space. Glad your friend appreciated your creative card!

  24. Wow, this is truly inspired; love it! And yes, count me among the "save it for later" keepers. ;)

  25. What a way to tink outside the box. Love this project.

  26. Wow, I always try to upcycle packaging but I NEVER thought to do this! What a fun and creative way to use the bottle shaped package! So cute!

  27. Fantastic combo of sentiments and recycling! Love it!

  28. This is a great project!!! So creative!!

  29. Me alegra ver tu creacion.. muchas veces he querido hacer algo asi con los empaques y lo dejo ja ja! y nada ahi se quedo.
    Me alegra que crearas algo tan hermoso y de seguro que le encantara a quien lo reciba.
    You are very creative, Great JOB!

  30. So creative! Love the card you made with that packaging! (yes, I've saved a lot of used later creatively!)
