Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Sea and Beach Lover...

A coworker friend is having a birthday today.  We've been suffering some of many consequences of hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. We haven't been able to be back at the office to support our company because the lack of basic services such as water, electricity, gasoline, phone and internet. The impact of so many people not working and thus not getting money is just one of the factors affecting economy after this catastrophe. 

But we must continue living and enjoying the little things.  My Co worker... She's a beach lover. I made this little sea world in a little box lid, thinking of her.  A little something inside the box for her birthday. 

I used stamps, paper, net ribbons, stones, gems, flag banners, stickers and more...  Hope she likes it. 

#winecheeseandscrapbooking #scrappermyra #scrapbooking  #create #handmade #hechoamano  #sea #beach #papercraft #alteredproject #mixedmedia #birthday  #beachlover #stamping

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