Thursday, February 27, 2014

Scrappy Heart

Hello there...

You know about those things you think you made up and you are the sole original author?... Well, sometimes you think you have come up with the greatest idea...

I don't know about other things but I'm sure these scrappy embellishments I make are only mine.   LOL!  I love making my own embellishments and also combining with commercial made ones.

I've made scrappy canvas hearts, scrappy paper hearts, and other shapes...  And I love making them.  I call them scrappy because I use pieces of paper or scraps that others would throw away.

So, today I am sharing my scrappy hearts with you. 

I start with a piece of paper and glue the shape I want in the back side.  Why the back side?  Because the shape will only be served as stencil later.

I trim around the shape and turn around and  glue lots of elements.  In this case I use different textures and colors...  some cork, burlap, papers, cardstock... etc.

Once dried, I turn around to cut the shape.

If I am planning to use sequins, metals or harder materials, I don't glue them before... I wait until the shape is cut and then apply.

I cover the embellishment with Glossy Accents and wait, and wait, until dry.

And I end up with great embellishments.

These examples are hearts, but you can do circles, squares, stars, wine bottles, houses, you name it!!!!  I used the mentioned elements and similar colors, but you can go monochromatic, you can do without texture... whatever.  But you will end up with your own unique personal fabulous embellishment.

You like it?

Here are some more examples.

If you make your scrappy hearts or embellishments inspired by this, I would only ask for you to mention it and include a link to this post.  Just giving the right credit when needed.  Fair enough?  I would love to see your creations inspired by these.  You can share with me by email (, or through facebook inbox.  Find me as Scrapper Myra or follow the link in the button at right upper corner in this blog.

Tks a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Wow me encanta!! Que original y bello queda. Two thumbs up!

