Monday, September 3, 2012

For a 50 year-old kid!

Woo hooo!  Today's a Holiday!...   I have to admit though that since I have so much work to be done at the office, sometimes I just can't enjoy the time off...  so I'll need to keep on learning new ways to free my mind!

I made this card last week for a co-worker who would turn 50!
I used a sketch from The Outlawz Challenges... and my card was featured!  Yeih!!!!  I am so glad they liked my card.

I used green as the base color 'cause that's this man's favorite color... and tried to make the card masculine...  for an "not so young" man who's very young at heart.

I also had some finishing touches inside the card.

Gave some dimension with pop-up squares...

He loved the card very much...  We took him for lunch and gave it to him, with messages from the whole team.

Hope you liked my card too...  And enjoy the rest of the long weekend!


  1. Me encanta tu creación, me gusta el look clean and simple. Las dimensiones y diferentes cuadrados le dan un look bien divertido y masculino. Felicidades por el spot light as ser destacada en la página, el talento sobra.


  2. Amiguita, te estas botando. Muy original tu tarjeta con diferentes elementos. Te felicito!

  3. Like your card? We LOVE IT!!! This is FABULOUS, Myra!!! Congratulations on your feature over at The Outlawz! We are so happy to have you as a part of our community :)

    Hugs to you!

  4. Super cool and original card!!! love it!! Enjoy the day my friend!!! Hugs!
