Saturday, June 16, 2012

Just saying Happy Father's Day and Cheers!

Hello friends!

This weekend we celebrate Father's Day in some parts of the world.  What a blessing to have a father, or being a father.  God gives us the opportunity to live such different emotions and feelings so we can understand the meaning of life and love...   but HE has to keep a balance.  So that's why not everybody has same experiences with fatherhood.
I lost my father when I was 10.  I could not think of one day that he doesn't come to my mind, even if it's just for a second... It could be a word, a scent, a view or just a tiny feeling... but something reminds me about him everyday.  I wish I could know more about him... his thoughts, how he saw life, his goals... the things that I probably got from him...etc. etc.  I've told you about it in an older post you can see clicking HERE if you like.
Also, my husband is not a father.  And he would've loved to become one, but again... there must be a balance, and only God knows what's best for each one.

But even if you lost your father, or could not become one, or don't have your father close... or if you have him but don't have a good relationship with him...  it's just because God knows what's best for each one of us.  I can just say... if you have one, value him... if you are one, be the best you can... and in the rest of the cases, honor all fathers in your family, or circle of friends somehow.  I might not tell the fathers in my life anything about fatherhood, but I do appreciate their dedication, and really admire some of them who really take it seriously.  My way to honor them is to respect them as fathers.

So, Happy Father's Day.

Let me take the opportunity to tell you about this wine we enjoyed recently.  It's a Special Reserve from 2004, Arzuaga from Arzuaga Navarro Winery, Ribera del Duero, Spain (I've told you in previous posts about La Planta, which is the "cosecha" of this wine).   It was a special gift from our friends, to my husband on his 40th bday last year.  As soon as my husband saw the wine, he knew it was to be kept for a special moment.  And he saved it for a recent dinner we have with our friends in a restaurant.

It's very aromatic (like ripe fruit), and once you taste, it's very rich in flavor and rapidly evolves and you feel its medium-strong tannins.    It's definitely a wine you can save for several more years.

Salud... and Happy Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Que hermoso escribes, me encanta leerte, estas en lo correcto solo Dios sabe por que.... Hermosas tus tarjetas y con la descripcion que distes del vino...quiero una copa, lol!! Cuidate mucho amiguita!!
    Un abrazote!! :)
