Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wine Country

Oh Yes! I had the opportunity to visit Napa Valley, CA a few weeks ago!!!! Isn't that a blessing? Thank you God for letting me go to places... and have fun... and learn... and laugh... and taste wine... and see how beautiful our World is...

I am still reviewing in my mind.... A balloon flight full of beautiful sights... seeing the sunrise like never before...

Tasting of wines that are not exported... signature labels from great wineries... while enjoying a view to the vineyards...

Grapes, and grapes, and grapes... in the middle of harvest! Cabernet, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay... All my juicy little friends...

Touch the fruit... feel the emotion of looking at wine capsules (this is what my husband calls the grapes)... future glorious liquid in a bottle we'll be able to enjoy in evolution.... mmmmmmm...

I really enjoyed our trip to Napa... Had the opportunity to visit lots of wineries... I will share more in future posts... I can't do it right now... I am still mesmerized and walking on clouds.


  1. Edeeeeeeeeeel... fantástico! Cheverisimo el que puedas disfrutar lo que mas te gusta. Muy bonitas las fotos de tu viaje. Y me encantó el nombre que le da tu esposo a las uvas.

  2. wow, wow, wow y no estoy ladrando. Estoy con la boca abierta. Que fotos tan hermosas y ustedes se ven tan relajados. Me encanta.

    Love always

  3. Brutal!!! Cuando fui a San Francisco no me dio tiempo de visitar Napa asi que lo tengo en mi Wish list ;) Que bueno que tuviste esa bendicion. Viajar es uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos ;)

  4. Gracias por compartir tan bonitas fotos... cuando fui en el 2006 a Long Island, NY mi cuñada nos llevo a unos cuantos viñedos.. por toda la carretera todo hermoso.
    Esas uvitas que lindas se ven.
    Que bueno es viajar a mi me encanta.
