Sunday, August 28, 2011

A great Copic experience!

Hey hey hey.... hello again...

I know about scrapbookers who can create wonderful things without using latest trends, tools or techniques... Some others need to be "in" with all the new machines, what's hot in the market at the time, and have to learn everything simultaneously to apply to their work (or maybe just because, and then they end up with lots of materials they don't use again). Others just learn one technique at a time, limit numbers of tools, and think too much (sometimes too much), before investing money and time in a next big trend... Well, nothing wrong with that... just different... and I am part of this group.

Since my hobby time is limited, I try to invest money and effort in the tools that I really think I will use more and have a "return"... And, really, budget represents a big chunk of the "reasons pie" here...

So anyway... this introduction is just in preparation to confess that I had never used a copic marker ever in my life... until yesterday. I know, I know... you must be thinking... is she from Mars or something?

Well... I knew that I wanted to explore Copics when I was ready to invest some time on it... So I went to a basic class and learned about these wonderful markers that are not really new. They have years of existence and they are mostly used for Manga style/technique. But, during the last couple of years or so, these Copics friends have become one of the most loved scrapbookers' tools around the World.

So... I want to present my first Copic painted image ever in life...

It's a Magnolia stamped girl and I really enjoyed painting it... I can't say it was a difficult technique in terms of the movements you need to apply, or the concept in theory itself... and it was really fun... it was!!! But of course for a professional result, you should practice, practice, practice, practice.... that's when you see the difference between my image and yours, and the rest. So I didn't quite get the "illumination" effect, but I have to say I am really proud, considering this is the first time I have a Copic marker in my hand... (I didn't even know they were not so thin and that they have two ends for different uses... Daaahhhh!).

The parts I enjoyed most painting were the face and the hair... I really didn't get the desired effect in the dress but I can live with it...hehehehe...

I went out of the line in some spots (notice hair at left side), but since I was going to cut the image, it wasn't a big deal. However, I loved to learn there is a "blender" that is really an "eraser" or a "pusher" to correct these mistakes. That was awesome to learn...

My teacher, Maribel, (see her work HERE), also gave us some cut materials to scraplift a card from her inspiration... so I ended up with a finished project I really love.

It seems that Copics markers will be added to my wish list... and even though I will act with measure, I'll probably be acquiring some colors to continue practicing. So, to the "bucket list" of fun experiences, I just checked "paint with Copics"... :)


  1. Me fascinó la manera en que describiste tu experiencia y no sabes cuánto me alegra que hayas disfrutado la clase, eso me hace feliz. Ya descubriste que es cuestión de practicar y practicar, pero para ser la primera vez hiciste un gran trabajo. Estoy muy agradecida por la ayuda repartiendo los materiales. Te ganaste una estrellita.

  2. Beautiful card! what a great experience and I think you will love it and do more proyects with it. Maribel is a wonderful teacher and talented lady. Congratts Myra, hugs Zulma

  3. Te quedo muy linda. Ya veras como sin darte cuenta seras una experta.

  4. I'm so so sorry to tell you dear... there's no such thing as measure!!! LOL!!! Welcome to the adiction! Check out iCopic if you want great prices. And the card is beautiful!!

  5. Que ternura !!! Me encantó la tarjeta y la historia también.

  6. Una vez podrás salir. (risa siniestra, ja,ja,ja)

    La tarjeta esta chulisima, si tienes fiebre con algo vas a calmarla y es haciendo mas de ellas. Tremenda maestra que es Maribel. Bienvenida al mundo de los Copics.

  7. Welcome! Se solto en Gollummmmmmmm. Hermosa tu tarjeta!

  8. Me gusto mucho como te quedo. Si esa es la primera, WOW! Espero ver proximamente las otras. BTW, yo tambien soy de Marte, no tengo ni un solo Copic.

  9. Esta bella bella, una vez uno los usa no quiere usar nada mas. Yo pinté una tarde con Luzette en Mayaguez y me enamoré pero el presupuesto estaba apretado, pero está en mi lista de must have.


  10. Te felicito por esa nueva experiencia y bienvenida al mundo de los copics, me gusta mucho pintar , es como recordar los libros de pintar de nina, pero con tecnicas para que luzcan super bellos!!! Ponlos en tu lista , pues la practica hace al maestro. carinos!

  11. Jay tiene razon...once you go there, there is no turning back!!! yo me resistiiiii!!! hasta que por culpa de una de estas chicas, no la voy a incriminar, me envicie!!! pero de verdad que las imagenes quedan hermosas! La tuya quedo muy bien!! sigue practicando, y no compres en colecciones pre-hechas!!

  12. Te quedo hermosa!!!!! Y lo mejor es que contrario a lo que pense, puedes ir adquriendolos poco a poco por familia de colores. No tienes que comprar los mega sets que yo compre y que despues me di cuenta que no vienen en familia :( Las clases de Suzanne Dean son un exito!!! Yo estoy tomando la primera y aunque voy a mi paso, que es lo mejor con lo poco que he visto mis habilidades han mejorado un poco. Siga pa'lante que voy a ti!!!!
