Monday, June 13, 2011


Oh... yes... I've been quite in silent mode these days...

I've been very busy at work and planning a lot of stuff... and went to the 5th. National Dog Day (celebrated locally by a sponsor brand), and I also was participating in a great local scrapbooking event last weekend with teachers such as Donna Downey, Tim Holtz, Heiddi Swapp, the Glitz Girls, Margie Romney, Nana Campana, and more... which I enjoyed a lot... and there was also my husband's bday... and my mom's... and this and that... and a lot of raining here...

But don't get used to my absence... I will be posting photos and will share some insights from the event I went to, ideas and projects I've been doing... and again will get you to think about how cool is to be imperfect...

In the meantime, just wanted to say hi... and remind you about how beautiful life is... the simple fact of being enjoying love, nature, and friendship everyday... is great. So enjoy it now...

Leave me a comment about something you feel is the simplest but you love and enjoy the most...

Will keep in touch.


  1. Cada vez que veo la foto de tu perro me convenzo mas que los colores son muy parecidos a los de nuestro perro Nacho.
    Me encanta la foto que muestras aqui.
    Yo tambien fui al evento, me hubiera gustado conocerte. ;-)

  2. Cierto? Que pena que no nos conocimos. A lo mejor compartimos y ni sabíamos. Yo estaba en el grupo 8, y tú?
