Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Last" of the LOVE projects

This is the "last" Love project from this year. Maybe if we think of it, that's wrong. It's not the last love project. It's probably the last I've made from a series related to St. Valentine's 2011... but it's not the last love project... because all my projects, no matter how simple or complicated, big or small, fast or no... are made with love... Make sure all you do in life is made with love. Whatever you do for living, whatever is that you have as a hobby, no matter what you do for someone else... make it with love. And you'll enjoy it more, and the results will be better.

I made this mini album for someone who wanted to send pictures of her sons to their sister, who is older and lives separately. It has to be simple and handy, and have room for her to place the pictures and finish playing a little bit with the project.

One of the pages had a message of love for the sister. This little metal plate from Portafolia, combined with the Scenic Route chipboard message, were perfect to communicate that.

Another page of the mini album had room for the pictures with a title to remind the sister about how good is life.

And this other one sent a brother hug... the plate is also from Portafolia. Look at the right page... there's a little envelope with tickets valid for different goodies.

What better goodies from brother to sister, than kiss, love and hug?

This other plage had flowers and hearts for the sister.

The nice "lace" shape in the background is a piece that I still had from a strip designed and cut by a friend (Gladys, my favorite Colombian girl), who gave it to me a while ago in an ocassion we were enjoying scrapbooking together. She probably doesn't even remember but I do.

The branch was stamped with an Autumn Leaves stamp, and then carefuly cut by the shape.

I cut chipboard and papers using the Cricut Expression machine. The heart shape was from Plantin Schoolbook cartridge, using the End Caps feature.

Hope you liked my mini album... Now, let me share with you the not so mini dog biscuit we gave to our dog Malbec last St Valentine's Day.
He was so obedient, that he did not even touch it until we told him so... How cute!

Then he smelled and smelled and tried to get it but it was difficult becaus this giant biscuit was flat and heavy.

He could use a little help to grab it from the floor...


This lovable dog deserves this and much more... We love him so much.

Thanks for visiting... This was posted with Love...


  1. Edel, ese album te quedo HERRR-MOOO-SOOO. Y Malbec esta hecho un hombre nena!! Bello bello.

  2. Que bello! me encanto ese album y los colores tambien. Malbec esta chulisimo. Un abrazo y gracias por compartir, Zulma.

  3. Hermoso tu album, y las fotos de Malbec estan muy lindas.
    un abrazo

  4. Me encantó tu mini álbum!!!! Malvec parece que le gustó su galleta.

  5. El mini está bello. me encantan los tickets. Y Malbec con su galleta! bello

  6. Hermoso album. El modelo esta grande y bello.
    Gracias por compartir tu talento.

  7. Malbec es todo un personaje. Que bello con su galletea de San Valentín.

  8. Bien lindo el mini!!!! y que bello se ve Malbec con su galleta parece un nene bueno!!

  9. me encantó el mini album, quiero hacerlo.

    Malbec es tan hermoso, está brutal la foto esperando por la señal para comerse la galleta. wow que perrito tan obediente.


  10. Hermoso me encanto y el perro esta bello...
